Monday, November 23, 2009

Class Party is Now On 24 November 2009

Dear Iggies,

I thought I will do the organisers a favour by putting this up, especially for those who went on OSLP - the class party is now on 24 November, which is tomorrow (same time and place)!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Wear School Uniform Tomorrow

Dear Iggies,

Please remember to wear school uniform tomorrow because it is Prize-Giving Day. No PE attire is allowed.

Also, 2 of you still have not submitted your travel plan forms. I need them by 20 November 2009.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Entrepreneurship Day 2009

Dear Lasallians,

I am glad to announce that we managed to raise $712 for charity this year.

I am truly proud of each and everyone of you, not only for the amount raised but also for the enthusiasm and energy at the bazaar. That should be the spirit in everything that we do. Do it to our best and you will experience great fulfillment in return. Remember, many rewards in life are intangible and non-materialistic. The best things in life are usually priceless.

Have a good weekend.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Claims for Entrepreneurship Day

Dear Iggies,

Just a reminder not to spend beyond $6 per group. Please bring along your receipts tomorrow.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Entrepreneurship Day

Dear Iggies,

If you have not submitted your business proposals to me, please send it to me by the end of next week. In other words, I should receive it at the end of the PSLE marking days.

You really ought to start looking, cleaning your products (if they are old stuff) or making them (if you are selling handicrafts). The PSLE marking holiday is a good time for you to get your products together.

You may also want to decide start making price tags and price lists (using the cardboard you have found).

The publicity person in the team may also want to make 1 powerpoint slide for advertising. We can request for Mr Hardi to put that up on the TV message system for publicity purposes.

Meanwhile, catch up on some sleep and rest during the holiday!

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Happy Children's Day!

Dearest Children,

Happy Children's Day! I hope you enjoyed the day. As Mr Kelvin Lee said, we hope you have your children's day your way!

I want to specially thank Hong Xuan, Casandra, Saravanan, Yue Ting and Yu Xiang for helping to distribute the cake to the rest of the class this morning. I see a lot of initiative in you and am so proud of you.

As promised, the photos we took this morning are posted here. Feel free to download.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

I Just Want to Say...

Dearest Iggies,

I just want to say that I AM VERY PROUD OF ALL OF YOU!

I must say that most of you have improved tremendously over the years. If you keep track of your English results from CA1 to Prelims. You will be pleasantly surprise, just as I did.

We are a matter of weeks away from PSLE. It is truly the last lap of the race. Hang in there. In your free time and on weekends, keep revising and practising all the strategies that I have taught you - Annotation for Compre OE, key words and multiple-possible answers for cloze passage, story plan (action and feelings) for composition etc.

Keep working on it and you will see the results. All of you have the potential to excel and I want to celebrate with you the day you receive your results. Remember, keep your morale and confidence high, stay motivated, and go all out to do your best! Still remember the stories of Team Hoyt and Nick Vujicic? If they can accomplish so much in life, you can too!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Bring Thermometer Everyday

Dear Iggies,

You will find the travel plan form in the parent notification today. Please get your parents to fill in the form and return it tomorrow. All forms must be returned, even if you are not travelling.

Please start to bring your thermometer to school everyday. Temperature will be taken on the first day of term 4.

Monday, August 31, 2009

Thank You!

Dear Children,

Thank you very much for all your wishes, gifts and the surprise party. It was truly surprising. Although the timing did not fit my time-table very well, I appreciate the efforts and thoughts.

Do remember to come in your PE attire tomorrow for the health check-up.

Miss Sng

Friday, August 28, 2009

Health Check-Up on 2 September 2009, Wednesday

Dear Iggies,

You are scheduled for the health check-up on 2 September 2009, Wednesday. Please remember to come in your PE attire on that day.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

One Down!

Dear Lasallians,

Congratulations! You have successfully completed your oral examinations. It is now time to focus on your written papers.

Listening Comprehension
Generally, most of you did well for Listening Comprehension at Prelims. Listening Comprehension tests your ability to listen out for information accurately. Ensure that you are not complacent (do not take it too lightly) and consider all the options before choosing the correct answer.

Situational Writing
Formats, Tone and Language
Start familiarising yourself with the different formats that we have learnt so far. The tone and language used for each text must be suitable for the reader of your text. Always consider the purpose of your writing and the person whom the writing is for.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Things to Remember for Oral Examination

Dear Lasallians,

Please remember to do the following for your oral examination on Thursday and Friday:

1. Memorise your PSLE index number

2. Ensure that you look presentable. I cannot emphasise this any further. First impressions count! Please make sure that your hair is neat and short (for the boys) or neatly tied and clipped (for girls with long hair). Your uniforms should be clean, ironed and tucked in neatly.

3. Avoid all kinds of spicy, oily and heaty food from now till Friday.

4. Sleep early on Wednesday night. Sufficient rest helps you to think better. When you think better, your thoughts are clearer and you will speak logically.

5. Greet the teachers politely. Introduce yourselves (say your name and PSLE index number).

6. Read fluently. Pronounce the end consonants such that they can be heard. Be expressive!

7. Always start with an introduction to the setting of the picture. Talk about the picture by describing, giving your personal opinions, and giving reasons for those opinions.

8. Elaborate on every part of the picture.

9. End the picture discussion with an appropriate conclusion. Use themes or values shown in the picture to summarise your picture discussion.

10. Always look at the examiners for conversation. Speak clearly and do not mumble. Make sure you project your voice so that the examiners can hear you clearly.

11. Never stop at one-word responses. Elaborate on your responses. Link your ideas to other relevant ideas.

12. Talk about your experiences or those you have heard about from your families and friends.

13. Before leaving the examination room, thank the teachers.

Things to bring on both days of the examination:
1. Thermometer
2. Water bottle
3. Storybook / revision materials / assignments to be done while waiting
4. Examination entry proof

I trust that all of you will do your best.

Miss Sng

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Bring Your Health Booklets next Tuesday

Dear Lasallians,

The annual health screening in school is round the corner. I will be collecting your health booklets next week to prepare for the screening. Please bring it next Tuesday, 11 August, when you return from the National Day holidays.

Meanwhile, enjoy the long weekend. It's a brief respite before PSLE.

Miss Sng

Monday, August 3, 2009

Please do CCA Survey on Ask and Learn

Dear Iggies,

Please do the CCA survey on ask and learn by tomorrow, 4 August.

You should be able to find the survey under the 'survey' section when you log into your ask and learn account.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Bring EZ-Link Card on Monday, 27 July

Dear Lasallians,

Please bring your EZ-link card this coming Monday. There will be a mass replacement of all your cards. Your existing card is required to make the replacement. You may have to make the replacement yourself if you miss this mass replacement exercise.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Reminder - Bring Thermometers

Dear 6 Iggies,

Please remember to bring your thermometers when you come for supplementary lessons tomorrow. In fact, you have to bring your thermometers everytime you come to school.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Extra Supplementary Classes

Dear Lasallians,

Those of you who attended supplementary class today would have received a consent form for extra supplementary class. For Jermaine, Fayth and Sara, who were absent today, please take note that there will be extra supplementary classes that will be conducted on 22 and 23 June 2009, 10.30am to 12.30pm.

I would like to praise all of you for being so attentive during the supplementary classes this week. It is heartening to see you taking your work so seriously and using the strategies I have taught in class. Please continue to do this in the holiday homework I have given you.

For the benefit of those who are a little lost on the English homework that you need to complete, this is the list:
1. Comprehension open-ended in the PSLE Booklet
2. Continuous Writing (Planning of Characters and Development Section)
3. Vocabulary Worksheet
4. Synthesis Revision Worksheet
5. 4 sets of comprehension cloze passage worksheets

Meanwhile, do find time to rest.

Friday, May 29, 2009

Holidays are Here!

Dear Lasalllians,

How time flies! I am sure you are all glad that the holidays are finally here.

While you enjoy the rest and fun during the holidays, do find time to brush up on areas that you are weaker in. Be mindful that PSLE is just round the corner.

For most of you, comprehension open-ended is a major area of weakness. Thorough annotation of the passage and questions will help you understand better. Identifying the tense of the verb in the question and writing it above the verb helps you to answer the question in the correct tenses. Writing down the tense to answer in is crucial because it serves as a reminder. Trivial as it might sound, it is effective and essential. This helps when you are checking too!

As some of you might already know, there are by far four confirmed cases of H1N1 Influenza A. Hence, in your moments of rest and recreation, practise a high standard of hygiene and avoid crowded places.

For those of you who were not in school today, these are the items that you will need for English Supplementary Class next week:
1. Pencil Case
2. Water Bottle
3. Money for Recess
4. English PSLE Booklet
5. Pink File (with all writing assignments filed in)
6. Blue File (with all worksheets, practice papers, CA1 and SA1 Booklet A and B filed in)
7. School Diary

See you all next week.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Susan Boyle: Have You Heard Her Yet?

Have you heard Susan Boyle sing? Susan Boyle became famous overnight after participating in Britain's Got Talent - a singing competition in Britain. Some Lasallians asked me to show her video during music lessons. She is so famous now even the teachers are talking about her in school. Many people were surprised that she could sing so well although she is not good-looking. Thus, reinforcing the idea that we should never judge a book by its cover.

However, what struck me most was the fact that she had totally no idea how good she is! Notice the expression of shock and disbelief on her face when she got the approval of all three judges?

It took her so many years to be affirmed of her talents. She never expected her singing to be able to receive such favourable feedback from the stringent panel of judges. More importantly, she did not expect her singing to touch the hearts of so many people.

Lasallians, many of you are like her. You have many hidden talents, waiting to be discovered and developed. In fact, many of you do not realise how good you actually are.

Some of you may think that you are weak in certain areas, but if you are willing to work hard and put in your best effort, you will discover that you are not as weak as you think you are.

Believe in yourself, and what you are capable of doing. You are a treasure cove with many treasures.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Ways to Protect Yourself against Viruses

Dear Lasallians,

Although we do not know the causes of the H1N1 virus, we should take basic steps in ensuring good health of ourselves and those around us. These are some basic tips I have mentioned in class:

1. Flush the toilet after using it.
2. Wash your hands thoroughly with soap after using the toilet, playing in the field, P.E. lessons and before and after meals.
3. Cover your mouth when you need to cough or sneeze.
4. Avoid direct contact of your fingers with your eyes, nose and mouth.
5. Do not share utensils with anyone.
6. Monitor your own temperature. If you do not feel well, visit a doctor and rest at home.

Do visit the blog regularly for more updates.

Keep well,
Miss Sng

Sunday, March 1, 2009

St Ignatius 6

Dear 6 Iggies,

As promised, this is a space for you to post your thoughts and comments but the same rules apply:

1. Strictly no vulgarities
2. All comments and posts should be grammatically accurate
3. All comments and posts should not be anonymous.

Miss Sng