Monday, November 23, 2009

Class Party is Now On 24 November 2009

Dear Iggies,

I thought I will do the organisers a favour by putting this up, especially for those who went on OSLP - the class party is now on 24 November, which is tomorrow (same time and place)!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Wear School Uniform Tomorrow

Dear Iggies,

Please remember to wear school uniform tomorrow because it is Prize-Giving Day. No PE attire is allowed.

Also, 2 of you still have not submitted your travel plan forms. I need them by 20 November 2009.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Entrepreneurship Day 2009

Dear Lasallians,

I am glad to announce that we managed to raise $712 for charity this year.

I am truly proud of each and everyone of you, not only for the amount raised but also for the enthusiasm and energy at the bazaar. That should be the spirit in everything that we do. Do it to our best and you will experience great fulfillment in return. Remember, many rewards in life are intangible and non-materialistic. The best things in life are usually priceless.

Have a good weekend.