Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Things to Remember for Oral Examination

Dear Lasallians,

Please remember to do the following for your oral examination on Thursday and Friday:

1. Memorise your PSLE index number

2. Ensure that you look presentable. I cannot emphasise this any further. First impressions count! Please make sure that your hair is neat and short (for the boys) or neatly tied and clipped (for girls with long hair). Your uniforms should be clean, ironed and tucked in neatly.

3. Avoid all kinds of spicy, oily and heaty food from now till Friday.

4. Sleep early on Wednesday night. Sufficient rest helps you to think better. When you think better, your thoughts are clearer and you will speak logically.

5. Greet the teachers politely. Introduce yourselves (say your name and PSLE index number).

6. Read fluently. Pronounce the end consonants such that they can be heard. Be expressive!

7. Always start with an introduction to the setting of the picture. Talk about the picture by describing, giving your personal opinions, and giving reasons for those opinions.

8. Elaborate on every part of the picture.

9. End the picture discussion with an appropriate conclusion. Use themes or values shown in the picture to summarise your picture discussion.

10. Always look at the examiners for conversation. Speak clearly and do not mumble. Make sure you project your voice so that the examiners can hear you clearly.

11. Never stop at one-word responses. Elaborate on your responses. Link your ideas to other relevant ideas.

12. Talk about your experiences or those you have heard about from your families and friends.

13. Before leaving the examination room, thank the teachers.

Things to bring on both days of the examination:
1. Thermometer
2. Water bottle
3. Storybook / revision materials / assignments to be done while waiting
4. Examination entry proof

I trust that all of you will do your best.

Miss Sng



    Anthia (:

  2. Excuse me...the time is 3.15 pm now! Not 12.15 am...siao...k...once again...ADD OIL!

  3. =.= ._. I read this right after my 2nd day PSLE Oral.. wasted...
